Reserve Live Spot
March 4th, 2025 11:11am PST
Reserve Live Spot
For Opening your High Level Intuitive Passageways READY TO CLEAR YOUR INTUITIVE CHANNELS? Get ready to do a major overhaul within…we’ll focus in on clearing the behavioral Patterns, Paradigms and Parallels that create uncertainty, unsureness, indecision, hesitation, dubiousness, suspicion, confusion + ALL the question marks your lower level mind creates for you.
March 2nd, 2025 @ 12pm PST
& March 5th, 2025 @ 4pm PST
The ‘Lyran Immune System Recalibration’ is a groundbreaking energetic activation designed to bring your immune system into perfect alignment with cosmic harmonics.
Guided by the Star Elders of Lyra, this multidimensional journey not only detoxifies and renews your immune system but also addresses ancestral imbalances, embedding powerful galactic codes of vitality and protection within your cells. Through crystalline harmonization, quantum bioluminescence, and the infusion of Lyra’s starfire, your immune system evolves into a radiant force of intergalactic resilience and health.
March 6th 2025 at 1:11pm PT
Discovering the Mystery that is You… To be the greatest offering energetically, you want to know how you uniquely flow energy and channel light into the world.This is your Purpose work and when you tap into the brilliance of that, your life becomes easier and you attract all that you need on a practical level for fulfillment.
You may be reading this and not quite sure if you are an empath…hopefully that’s not because you’ve shut down your gifts when you were young from feeling too much. Many empaths go through so much pain (due to others in their environment not knowing how to control their emotions or set healthy boundaries) so they get the bright idea to just shut themselves down, become numb or hide out, which doesn’t really work. That survival tactic only suppresses their sense of self and emotions and they wind up ill or depressed when instead, they could be self-confident, radiant, insightful and valued for their gifts.
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Advanced Life Skills for the One who feels…Everything. The Enlightened Empath knows the distinctions that contribute to a healthy life as an empath. In each area of life, they recognize their protective mechanisms, their common behavioral traits that cause them to react in a certain way. The Enlightened Empath is concerned about the quality of their relationships and sees them as an investment. They strive for equanimity and harmony and they recognize their part to play in keeping balance. They begin by learning how to keep a balanced state within themselves… acknowledging the personas, behavioral tendencies, mismatches and understanding their core connected strength.
Releasing your energetic strings of attachment & entangled karma so you can Be Forever Free, Get a new Start in Life and abundantly Thrive. Discover: What Binding contracts really are and how to identify them in your field so they stop hanging around. The Top 2 Secrets to keep contracts from recreating so you can be truly FREE forever.
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Release your ancestral baggage- So that you are not attracting your mother or father as a partner in relationships. Be Free & Powerfully claim YOUR space in the World – So you can give your offerings and create a life you LOVE. Stop attracting the wrong people that trigger your emotional eating… energetic vampires, victims and time wasters instead become a magnet for lighthearted, happy people. Discover how to interpret emotions and thoughts as yours or someone else’s so you can reclaim your energetic space for creating a life you love
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The Secrets to Letting Go of Past Flames, Overcoming Heartbreak and Attracting Your Beloved SoulMate. In this program, you’ll discover how to… Release the Sexual Signatures that your Past Lovers have left behind so you can be Set Energetically Free! Learn the Process that Releases the 4 Primary Emotions that bind you to the Past and that you Must Clear for you.
Create Soul Communion, Divine Love, Passion & Prosperity. There are many valid reasons for not being open and vulnerable. The old relationship history books of your mind may not allow you to write a new history as they are informing you with how to be, act and project. But we know that there are ways to rewrite the history of your relatedness with others… you do realize that, don’t you? Within your power lies the potential for creating a whole new dynamic of interaction with others. Within your power lies the potential of experiencing a whole new dynamic of interact ion with your Self.
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What is Your true Wisdom Way to Health, Love, Freedom & Prosperity? Your Wise One (your Higher Self) will show you, tell you, support you and Illuminate your Wisdom Path for you. Your Wise One knows where it is you are meant to be… And will work with your ascended “team” to organize your Future Lifeline and have you play your purpose out to completion. We must move beyond ego restraint, let go of control and flow into the Soul Awakening Process…
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Growing old should be a journey that we embrace. All too often, our views and perceptions of what should be a beautiful and fulfilling journey are shaped by cultural stereotypes and messaging, perpetuated by society or corporations trying to sell us something, or to scare us into making decisions that are often not necessary, and many times in conflict with our own truth.
Metatron’s Cube Health & Repair Kit – This 3 part Guided Journey audio series will increase your capacity to become healthy by upgrading the vibrational frequency of the molecular structures in your body and Aura. Focuses on the Nervous System, your Adrenal Glands, and the Auric Field. Looking for something else? Head back to the […]
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This program was created to assist you in shifting your perceptions of yourself to match the True Essence inside. By using Therapeutic Imagery, you will be able to make rapid shifts in the Subconscious Mind. That deep transformation will lead you to lasting results on the outside. nce you enter the secret garden, You choose how to shape your thoughts of reality. As Clarity abounds from within, you’ll discover the truth about you, that You are pure Beauty. Self-Love is the energy needed to attract all that you are desiring for yourself, whether that is a great body, a nourishing relationship or more prosperity. Beautification From the Inside Out was created to assist you in shifting your perceptions of yourself to match the true essence inside.
Including 10 Audio Downloads – This E-Guidebook will show you what actions are needed to create your life as a Love Sanctuary. I reveal 10 Effective Principles necessary to attract and keep the man or relationship that you want. Also, you’ll receive 10 Guided Journeys for retraining your mind and living these principles of love.
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Includes E-Guidebook, 2 Audio Downloads & E-Power Pack. Are you ready to create a powerful and healthy life? A lifestyle that allows for greater Clarity, Happiness, and Spontaneous Joy? Healthy living is a living as your Higher Self (Soul Self), that is … being an expression of the power that lies within you.
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Inside this downloadable E-Book, you’ll learn… How to Be the Love and Inspiration he wants to come home to. The 5 biggest mistakes most women make that drain the energy right out of a relationship. How to stop feeling out of control and needy and start creating the love you desire. How to live in radiant confidence rather than emotional.
Multi-sensory Clairvoyant Intuitive & Medium
Known as the “Spiritual Trainer to the Stars” for my work with Celebrities, Emmy Award winners, World Champions and people just like you!
My specialty is creating very practical energy exercises to instantly shift your vibration, seminars that will rock your world…leaving you knowing your capacity and power to take charge of your life.