Energy & Intuition

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Discovering the Mystery that is You… To be the greatest offering energetically, you want to know how you uniquely flow energy and channel light into the world.This is your Purpose work and when you tap into the brilliance of that, your life becomes easier and you attract all that you need on a practical level for fulfillment.

Awake to Your Higher Self - Discover Your Unique Purpose and Intuitive Gifts


What is Your true Wisdom Way to Health, Love, Freedom & Prosperity? Your Wise One (your Higher Self) will show you, tell you, support you and Illuminate your Wisdom Path for you. Your Wise One knows where it is you are meant to be… And will work with your ascended “team” to organize your Future Lifeline and have you play your purpose out to completion. We must move beyond ego restraint, let go of control and flow into the Soul Awakening Process…

Wisdom Path Ascension - Discover Your True Way to Health, Love, Freedom & Prosperity

Enroll Now

Growing old should be a journey that we embrace. All too often, our views and perceptions of what should be a beautiful and fulfilling journey are shaped by cultural stereotypes and messaging, perpetuated by society or corporations trying to sell us something, or to scare us into making decisions that are often not necessary, and many times in conflict with our own truth.

Experience aging as a beautiful journey with 'Reversing the Energetic Effects of Aging.' Shed stereotypes and perceptions hindering vitality

Multi-sensory Clairvoyant Intuitive & Medium

Known as the “Spiritual Trainer to the Stars” for my work with Celebrities, Emmy Award winners, World Champions and people just like you!

My specialty is creating very practical energy exercises to instantly shift your vibration, seminars that will rock your world…leaving you knowing your capacity and power to take charge of your life.

Christel Hughes
