Weekly Workshops & Remote Activations

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Unlock the Quantum Gateway of Sound, Rewire Your Auditory System, Clear Distortions, Activate Fractal Light Hearing, & Expand Sonic Perception

A Revolutionary Remote Healing Recalibration + Activation of the Auditory Nexus on the 7D Holodeck Featuring Metatron’s Cube

March 4th, 2025 11:11am PST

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For Opening your High Level Intuitive Passageways READY TO CLEAR YOUR INTUITIVE CHANNELS? Get ready to do a major overhaul within…we’ll focus in on clearing the behavioral Patterns, Paradigms and Parallels that create uncertainty, unsureness, indecision, hesitation, dubiousness, suspicion, confusion + ALL the question marks your lower level mind creates for you.

March 2nd, 2025 @ 12pm PST
& March 5th, 2025 @ 4pm PST

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The ‘Lyran Immune System Recalibration’ is a groundbreaking energetic activation designed to bring your immune system into perfect alignment with cosmic harmonics.

Guided by the Star Elders of Lyra, this multidimensional journey not only detoxifies and renews your immune system but also addresses ancestral imbalances, embedding powerful galactic codes of vitality and protection within your cells. Through crystalline harmonization, quantum bioluminescence, and the infusion of Lyra’s starfire, your immune system evolves into a radiant force of intergalactic resilience and health.

March 6th 2025 at 1:11pm PT

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A Remote 7D Healing Activation for Galactic Detoxification and Immune Resilience
Featuring: Dolphins, Whales & Water Fae

Experience the extraordinary synergy of Sirian light frequencies, dolphin consciousness, and the fluidic intelligence of your lymphatic system in this multidimensional healing activation. The Sirian Lymphatic Lightflow Activation optimizes your lymphatic system, promotes deep detoxification, strengthens immune resilience and aligns your physical body with high-frequency galactic energies. Guided by the wisdom of the Sirians, the harmonic resonance of whales and dolphins, and the delicate touch of water fae, this activation restores your lymphatic flow, clears stagnant energy, and Holographically installs quantum light codes for ongoing detoxification and vibrational harmony. This is not just a healing—this is a transformation of your body’s energetic ocean. This remote 7D healing activation nurtures your physical and energetic well-being, creating a harmonious connection to Earth’s oceans and Sirius’ crystalline waters…Unlocking your body’s natural flow while supporting your immune resilience and spiritual expansion.

March 7th, 2025 11:11am PST

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it’s simple…TimeLine Therapy® Teleclass. Seeding Your LifeLine with Love. What if the only thing between you and a Beloved relationship, a healthy body or true abundance and wealth was some old stagnant emotional energy and scar tissue? Would you use one of the most simple techniques to erase it?

February 16th, 2025 @ 12pm PST
& February 19th, 2025 @ 4pm PST

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Illuminating Divine Dialogue…Clearing, Clarifying and Amplifying your Ears, Nose, Throat, and Sinus Channels for Healing + Cosmic Clairaudience. Unlock the gateway to celestial wisdom and spiritual guidance with our groundbreaking workshop. Delve into the profound connection between these bodily channels and the expansion of your Clairaudience abilities.

February 25th, 2025 4pm PST &
March 1st, 2025 12pm PST

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11:11 HOLOGRAPHIC HOOK REMOVAL & EXTRACTION FOR FREEDOM, RADIANCE AND EXPANSION. Deep within our hearts, we’re all in anticipation for that unquestionable connection with the Divine – the moment that sparks our heart when we feel that deep connection and we feel Alive with the yes — “Yes, that’s it”… I personally love that feeling. Unfortunately, there are Invisible Invasive energies that are sabotaging your energetic systems, that are negatively impacting your capacity to feel the depth of connection, grow out of your old belief systems and that create physical, mental and emotional disintegration. Your Soul structures begin to fail in their capacity to ‘handle’ the foreign energies and suffer.

February 23rd, 2025 @ 12pm PT & February 26th, 2025 @ 4pm PT

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Mastering Energetic Equilibrium: Mitochondria, Metabolism, and Celestial Guidance

Metabolic Function is a direct reflection of your efficiency in generating and using energy. At the physical level this determines cell health and composition while at an energetic level it represents your ability to access and utilize higher dimensional light frequencies and flow.

Symptoms of metabolic dysfunction can include chronic fatigue or inconsistent cyclical bouts of energy & exhaustion, hormonal imbalances, weight issues, challenges regulating body temperature (cold hands and feet, hot flashes, etc), blood pressure and blood sugar issues, digestive difficulties, weak muscles and more!

February 11th, 2025 @ 4pm PST &
February 15th, 2025 @ 1pm PST

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What if you recognized your skin not just as a physical layer, but a multidimensional interface—a living record of light, frequency & past experiences?

Or maybe you’re struggling with fascia or joint pain & deep-seated inflammation that won’t resolve no matter what you try? Beneath the surface of your skin & tissue layers lies a radiant intelligence—an intricate network of light, memory, and cosmic codes waiting to be restored.

February 13th, 2025 @ 11:11am PST

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Clear and banish the Parasites, bacteria and tissues of the body using Metatron’s cube. Heal the weak areas of the aura, create substantial boundaries and close the portals wreaking havoc in your body, aura and environment.

February 9th, 2025 @ 12pm PST &
February 12th, 2025 @ 4pm PST

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…From your aura, mind and body to Stop sabotaging habits + set you Free, so you can be in greater levels of Love, Light and Inspiration. Do you find yourself habitually thinking and acting in ways that don’t match you anymore? Or not taking any action at all on the things you really want to do? When you feel out of control due to a habit running you, or you become unconsciously reactive – that’s a big indication that you have a Defense, Control or Protective mechanism at play.

January 7th, 2025 @ 4pm PST
& January 9th, 2024 @ 1pm PST

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With Ascended Master Thoth & Cosmic Wisdom Keepers of the Sacred Flame for Enhancing Clairvoyant Perception & Resetting your Body’s Master Clock

The Pineal Gland Stargate Stimulation is a profound journey that merges the ancient wisdom of Ascended Master Thoth with the transformative power of the Sacred Flame-the eternal fire of cosmic wisdom held by the Cosmic Wisdom Keepers. This activation awakens the pineal gland as the master clock of your being, synchronizing the delicate oscillations of your body’s cells to create a harmonious state of balance, health, and heightened perception.

Through the Sacred Flame, you’ll unlock enhanced clairvoyant perception, vibrant health, and deep spiritual insights as the pineal gland becomes attuned to the rhythms of cosmic truth.

January 9th, 2025 at 8:11am PST

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We’re on the Verge of waking up…The dynamic energies are gathering in spirals to nudge our hearts, minds and spirits to a NEW Age of Aquarius.

This new age requires a different vibrational attunement than the one we’ve been carrying. Literally our cells have carried a tune of the Past — But now the Future is here and inviting us to let go of the old song to sing a New one. The Golden Age of Aquarius.

Are you ready to make the transformational shift?

To let go of the old tune to be able to carry the new song of Oneness?

Claim your Intuitive Mastery and establish a Consistent Flow of Light through your clairs with Increased Communication!

Activate your Triangle Centers – the 4 main multi-dimensional parts of your human being that enable you to master your intuition + keep them online and available for that reliable, unwavering flow of light and information! To do this we need to upgrade the chakras and surrounding organs that correlate to the Triangles.

January 11th, 2025 at 8am PST

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Have you ever had the feeling that despite the exhausted efforts to try and release a person, a habit, a relationship, or a health issue that there’s something binding you? It’s almost as if there’s nothing you can do…you just can’t seem to get out of it…it feels hopeless and never ending, ugh! It follows you around and has a looming over you feeling…try as you might to set yourself free

December 29th, 2024 @ 12pm PST
& January 3rd, 2025 @ 12pm PST

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EXTRACTING TOXIC ENERGY CORDS…FOR FREEDOM, VITALITY & ILLUMINATION. It’s become increasingly common knowledge that when we connect with another person we generate etheric cords between each other. This occurs in pretty much every situation we find ourselves in – from romantic relationships, to colleagues, casual acquaintances…even our beloved pets. If it exists and you relate to it, there’s likely some kind of cord created between you and it.

December 20th, 2024 @ 12:30pm PST &
December 23rd, 2024 @ 4pm PST

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Clearing energy traumas and collapsing timelines for gaining freedom,
releasing inhibitions and creating New Futures. Feeling scattered? …Unable to focus or concentrate? Feeling Powerless at times? Those are the symptoms of Psycho-Spiritual Energetic Burnout!! There’s a hidden energetic phenomenon behind this experience that I’ve discovered — that can not only help you recover, but reclaim your innate power at the next level of your spiritual expression. And that’s highly important for you during this ascension period.

December 8th, 2024 @ 12pm PST
& December 11th, 2024 @ 4pm PST

Multi-sensory Clairvoyant Intuitive & Medium

Known as the “Spiritual Trainer to the Stars” for my work with Celebrities, Emmy Award winners, World Champions and people just like you!

My specialty is creating very practical energy exercises to instantly shift your vibration, seminars that will rock your world…leaving you knowing your capacity and power to take charge of your life.

Christel Hughes
