Set Your Soul Free!
Ignite Your Soul's Intelligence!
Live Your Soul Truth!

by Christel Hughes

Release Sabotaging Energies that Leave you Feeling Unworthy


There's a precious, unique Soul expression that belongs to you! It's held within your Soul and emanated through your physical body. There are also intruders that can invade your body and Aura, radically altering your Sacred Soul expression.

Parasitic energies and destructive Portals embed themselves in tissues and organs of your body. These intrusions can distort your DNA, cause cell mutations leading to dis-ease patterns in the body, and completely impair your mental and emotional stability.

It's the unworthiness persona within you that makes you vulnerable to these damaging parasitic energies and portals! You don't even realize it's there beneath the surface but when this persona is active, you unintentionally invite these harmful invaders into your space.

If left in place, these energetic dynamics will continuously disrupt your Higher Self connection, leading you on an emotional roller coaster that has you feeling out of sorts. Ultimately your Divine Will is shattered due to increasing distrust of self and resulting hopelessness.

These invasive energies feed on the emotional upheaval and hoard your Soul Self light, leaving you feeling totally depleted. Once you've recognized the culprit, you're one step closer to illuminating the deeper Truth that's seeking to come forward and support you.

Let's get the Unworthy One within you integrated so you can fully clear these invasive energies for good!





Explore the depth of your Unworthy'll not only identify what's really going on with this, but you'll get to the core of the Unworthy reality that's been plaguing you and sabotaging your life. Then we will Shift that experience at the substratum level and create a New foundation for you to feel worthy. The old story stops and the New story is created!

In this Workshop, we're going deep with Metatron's Cube and eliminating the sabotaging energies that disconnect you from the Divine. When you're feeling disconnected, you don't know your worth and you discount your True value. This causes all kinds of issues in your life and relationships.

So we're shifting those energies no matter where they come from - your environment, those held within your own aura or the personas that have kept you fractured off from receiving the purity of divine love and the fullness of love.

Here's what you'll get in this workshop:

  • Metatron's cube will do a clearing that addresses the emotional, mental and physical energy that initially created the 'conditions' for the Unworthiness feelings.
  • We'll do a full Soul integration to bring you from fractured to a new level of Wholeness - so you will experience your Brilliant Self as Worthy
  • Stop playing unhealthy roles for others...Clear your patterns and start to take care of yourself
  • Address the judgments coming at you (real or perceived) and start to reclaim your reality so you're free from the fear of being judged
  • Stop comparing yourself to others and start to Live as your dynamic self
  • Metatron's cube enters into your being and will shift the substratum dynamics of your being - shifting your current energetic condition - shifting you into Worthiness, Whole and Complete
  • And so much more...

When you've Transmuted & Transformed the unworthy persona in this workshop, using the Integrative Soul Technology process, you'll fully become the Dynamic Illuminated Sacred Soul expression of YOU - the Real TRUE You!

Getting to Worthiness Workshop

Total Value





Are intrusive/parasitic energies feeding on your Soul?


These are just some of the symptoms related to Parasitic Toxicity:

  • Exhaustion regardless of how well you take care of Self
  • Inability to assimilate nutrients or receive supportive energies
  • Unexplained weight loss or inability to put on weight
  • Sugar cravings that you can't seem to overcome
  • Digestive issues
  • Recurring yeast infections
  • Tendencies towards indecision and second-guessing your actions
  • Inner confusion and inability to connect with your Higher Self
  • Feeling overtaken or overrun by wants and desires of others
  • Uncertainty about your Soul path and Purpose
  • Intense mood swings and emotional upheaval
  • Overwhelming sense of powerlessness
  • Suffering from addiction (food, drugs, illness, drama, alcohol, shopping, etc)
  • Compulsive overconsumption - what you have is never enough
  • Obsessive need for control or Fear of loss of control
  • Foggy mind and inability to think clearly
  • Irritability or on edge
  • Signs of depression or just wanting to check out of life

If so, then we must get to the foundation and integrate the Unworthy One within you - that way we can strengthen your Immune System so that when the invasive energies are cleared, they cannot get back in!


 " This is an amazing experience and will have you viewing parasites in an entirely different way "  

 " During my Parasite session Christel looked at the degree of disharmony and imbalance within my body and worked with the parasites first to come back into balance and harmony and secondly to extract them altogether if needed. This is an amazing experience and will have you viewing parasites in an entirely different way. They will open you up to new knowledge about yourself because they are in your body for a reason.  

 Many of them are there as your assistants and these need to be in balance to work for your own good. However, there may be many parasites in your body who need to be released because they are causing your body to be very out of balance and are causing much harm.  

 With Christel's wonderful help the realization that the harmful parasites that were in my body because I invited them in through lower vibrational emotions and attitudes was not as intimidating as it sounds because she was able to pinpoint what I needed to work with and to clear. I found this to be an amazing help for both my spiritual and physical health. Thank you so much Christel. "  

~ Sharon

 " I've experienced greater mental clarity, and my inner senses and perception have enhanced incredibly! "

 " It was truly stunning to witness the stagnant and detrimental energies releasing from my spine, brain, sinuses, legs, stomach, gastrointestinal tract and more as Christel conducted the remote healing work to harmonize and extract parasites! A tremendous amount of density released so quickly and I felt my body opening up as brilliant Soul light moved into those cleansed spaces.  

 What I found truly remarkable was the deep cleansing in my womb area where I had been carrying deep pain, trauma and suffering. In the following days I've found my body feeling more open and free, I've experienced greater mental clarity, and my inner senses and perception have enhanced incredibly!  

 This is continuing to expand within and the sense of freedom, as I'm more aligned with my Soul frequency, has allowed me to perceive and open to greater possibilities, synchronicities and flow. "  

~ Amanda

 " Beings of light entered my aura...I saw them for the first time ever "

 " That was like a Holy Baptism! Beings of light entered my aura...I saw them for the first time ever! Christel, you and Archangel Metatron are quite the team, thank you for this Brilliant one of a kind experience with Metatron's cube. "  

~ SS

 " I've experienced a deep sense of peace, beauty, and love all around me I've never had before! "

 " Thank you Christel for the Metatron session. I'm really blown away how effective it was immediately. The next morning and days after I've experienced a deep sense of peace, beauty, and love all around me I've never had before.  

 I'm making creative decisions in the moment I know are for the highest good and I'm loving people with more depth than I ever have without needing them to change anything. There's a heightened sense of space for acceptance and no anxiety. I'm really grateful for this new way of being. Thank you! "  

~ KL

 " Increase your ability to receive the light and amp up your manifestation ability even further - woohoo!!"

 " Wow! If you are looking to accelerate your ability to take in light, manifest your desires and increase your connection to the cycles of nature and life, this retreat is for you! It's chock full of exercises to help clear lower level energies from your system, connect more deeply with yourself, see the Divinity in yourself and others, practices to keep your channels clear, outings to look at nature in its fullness, using Metatron's Cube to manifest and capped off with an activation that will leave you in bliss!! If you choose the add on private session, you'll receive a deep activation of Metatron's Cube within to increase your ability to receive the light and amp up your manifestation ability even further - woohoo!! So grateful to Christel for sharing all of these practices and her ability to channel Metatron's Cube! "  

~ Margo Fraser, Certified Intuitive Strategist


 " The CENTRAL CHANEL ATTUNEMENT was FANTASTIC. It was like someone gave me back my brain in good working order with CLARITY, a good feeling, AND even MORE ENERGY. I have a good outlook on life again! AMAZING! I have not felt this good in years, A MILLION THANKS FOR RETURNING MY BRAIN! "  

~ GC

 " After the evening session when a major flushing occurred from the bowels that continue 5 more times the next day. I know from experience when parasites don't like their environment, they try to get out, and in a hurry! "

 " The energy transmission was quite obvious even for someone that isn't that sensitive to shifts in energy. I have been caring for an injured knee and thumb that had been silent for several days, and act up whenever if stress them. So I was quite surprised to lie down and instantly feel my injured areas throbbing. I am well aware that parasites gravitate to injuries, and to feel them begin "screaming" confirmed I have parasites. Afterward, all sensations were gone and I felt great.  

 As the first remote session, I felt energy moving quite quickly. Much of it seemed to be stuck in the 7th chakra as if it was trying to get out. Little stabs of energy here and there and mostly in areas I have had problems with. I began that session a little off in my joy level. By the time the session was near finished all the energy seemed balanced and I felt quite good, and a big lift in joy. But the most impressive thing came about 1AM after the evening session when a major flushing occurred from the bowels that continue 5 more times the next day. I know from experience when parasites don't like their environment, they try to get out, and in a hurry. Now there's a feeling of greater love, acceptance, and compassion. Great experience! "  

~ Nancy Jo

 " I'm feeling lighter and my perspective towards my body has even changed. My naturopath is Amazed at how quickly I could recover my balanced state and the pathogens are gone, she said. "

 " ASTOUNDING! Really and truly Christel thank you for that extraction, before my stomach was bloated and full of parasitic bacteria. My naturopath told me that I'd never get the tissues healed fully and would Always have the digestive issues - But you've done it with Metatron's cube. I've been able to eat and Know that all the food is being processed and digested. I don't feel heavy after eating anymore and I don't have to lie down and take a nap because of exhaustion. I'm feeling lighter and my perspective towards my body has even changed. My naturopath is Amazed at how quickly I could recover my balanced state and the pathogens are gone, she said. How can I thank you enough? You are a true Gem to us all and I'm so very grateful. "  

~ Tarey

  All I can say is thank you from my heart and soul. I went from near paralysis to breaking free yesterday doing the Whole Body Directive Statement multiple times and will continue it today. (I have 76 years of calcified fear to work through.) This is such an amazing practice.  

~ AB

  My goodness - I'm so blown-away by what you took us through today. There are no words other than "Oh my goodness, how could you have brought all of this to us? Indeed a HUGE amount of clearing and re-programming of such fundamental choices, decisions, agreements, aspects, timelines. Really? Apparently we needed to get ALL of this really fast!!"  

~ Anon

 Thank you Christel for the Metatron session. I'm really blown away how effective it was immediately. The next morning and days after I've experienced a deep sense of peace, beauty, and love all around me I've never had before. I'm making creative decisions in the moment I know are for the highest good and I'm loving people with more depth than I ever have without needing them to change anything. There's a heightened sense of space for acceptance and no anxiety. I'm really grateful for this new way of being. Thank you!  

~ KL

 I had an Intuitive Assessment with Christel at the end of last year and to say it was life changing is an understatement! My entire reality immediately shifted on its axis and spiritual gifts literally started flooding in.Truly miraculous and totally unexpected. I have so much love and gratitude for Christel and the blessings she has brought into this reality for all of us who follow her work.  

~ Rachel NZ

 The Intuitive Assessment given by Christel Hughes was one of the most incredible experiences I have ever participated in. Christel has the natural ability to literally tap into your Higher Self and give these meticulous details about your gifts, how you flow energy, precisely where there are blockages and mis-directed energy flows within your Energetic Field, where your awareness is in terms of: are you living too much in the past or the future and are you stuck in your ways or too spacey. Besides the all the relevant wisdom I gained, I came out of my Intuitive Assessment session with a great sense of pride and self-confidence about my true authentic self.  

~ Cindy

 I feel like I have made huge progress since you did my intuitive reading! It was the most incredible thing that has ever happened to me so thank you from the bottom of my heart for flicking my light switch on. You have changed my life and I am more grateful to you than words can ever express.  

~ Rachel

 I got the most amazing reading and guidance from Christel Ella Marie Hughes last night. If you really want to know what's standing in the way of you being your most BRILLIANT and AUTHENTIC self, you should work with her!  

~ Dulani

 When I first found Christel Hughes, I was over-sensitive and just looking for a way to stop other people's energies from entering my space. She taught me how to protect my boundaries and a lot more. Christel helped me open doors I would never have been able to do on my own. With her high level intuitive abilities, Christel helped me identify my blocks, clear them, as well as help other people clear their blocks. Christel has also gifted me with identifying my own intuitive gifts and setting me on a path to fulfill my purpose work. Her support has me creating in a way I would never have had the nerve to do on my own. I can't wait for our next adventure of me introducing myself to the world! Christel's light is so very bright-what a treasure I have found! In much love and gratitude.  

~ LD Chown

 You are a star, shining brightly enough that those who you encounter clearly see their own paths. I am grateful that I was lead to connect w/ you. You are inspiration, even to those who inspire, and your talents are a present reminder of just how good God is. I celebrate you, I pray for you and I see the Light you. Thank you.  

~ Jerome

 Energetically powerful, I could feel the pulsation of the energies moving through me and to another level. Thank you so much Christel for your capacity to guide the energies.  

~ LD


"I'm here to support you in your journey of transformation and illumination. If you are seeking growth and clarity for your Spiritual awakening or a modality to support yourself along your path to purpose, love and greater fulfillment, then this is the space for you. Thank you for being conscious to take the next step."

"With Light for your path,"

Christel Hughes

Christel Hughes is a Multi-dimensional Visionary, Medium and Multi-Sensory Energetic Intuitive, known as the "Spiritual Trainer to the Stars", specializing in energetic healing and rapid transformation for Celebrities and individuals throughout the World. We are always in Awe because of Christel's lightning-fast and laser-focused Intuitive readings that go directly to the core of the issue - she pinpoints it immediately.

Christel's work has broadened to include connecting with Archangel Metatron and mediating for Metatron's cube to instantly shift a person's consciousness... undoing mental, emotional and physical well as opening up their Higher channels of communication.

The Academy for the Soul was born through Christel Hughes, as the 'Online School for Intuitive Arts'. Christel's purpose is to channel and shine light into the world, and to operate as a conduit of Divine Truth, working with people as they identify and develop their gifts, and step into their purpose-work. The Academy for the Soul helps people discover and develop their Intuitive Gifts, and then share those gifts with the world as an offering.